Monday, October 3, 2011

Weekend Roundup: Wouldn't Change A Thing

Had one of my most favorite weekends of the year...

Dinner (Hopleaf) and a concert (The Avett Bros) on Friday...

 CIDER! (ididn'tlikeitbutitried)
Chillin' with the hipsters at the Aragon.

Saturday we hit up what's becoming a Saturday tradition, Milk & Honey, for their oatmeal & fancy lattes...

Yes, please.

Picked up something extra to get me through the week.

Spent the afternoon getting my color right at Mixed & Co (new favorite salon, more on that later), followed by a sad, sad football game starring my fallen-from-grace-Buckeyes.

Sunday started with sweating out the weekend indulgences here: 

And put it right back on after picking up some goodies at the farmers market...

And a grubby lunch...

Wrapped things up with two of my oldest, bestest friends (and most loyal readers), Kimmy & Kate at Paris Club. Perfection.

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