Friday, October 21, 2011

Matt & Rhetta

Once upon a time there was a sweet baby girl living a life of only-child bliss. All of the attention. All of the toys. And the only reason Santa, the Easter Bunny or any other character bearing gifts showed up.

Early one July morning, just before her 5th birthday, her mother dropped a suspicious new Care Bear by her bedside and told her she'd be back with a new baby for her to play with.

The little girl thought to herself, "Wait a minute, I'm not stupid. You're not going to distract me with this blue bear. I didn't ask for a baby. Or this bear."

This little girl was very advanced.

Anyway, despite her lack of interest in the alleged "bundle of joy", she persevered. She begrudgingly accepted that real babies are way more fun to play with than Cabbage Patch Kids. It didn't take long for her to realize that when you're the older sister, you're in charge.

The little girl & her new sidekick enjoyed the kind of relationship that only siblings with multiple years between them can. You see, this baby boy was lucky as he had TWO moms.

She helped him learn how to walk...

And swim...

And despite her lack of interest in most sports, she rarely missed a game (and there were LOTS of games)...

Note: This is not a picture of a game being played, but it's just too good not to find a home for.

Adolescence went relatively well. There was the one time she locked him in the screened in porch as a way of "babysitting"...Or the time he dropped a truck over the balcony of the steps and almost knocked her out, but on the whole, there was minimal drama.

Then she became a teenager.

The tween version of the little girl was not pleasant. There were a lot of closed doors, eye rolls, and faces that look like this one.

Though she would never have admitted it at the time, she still worried about her baby brother. Would he make the team? Would that stupid girl say yes when he asked her to Homecoming? Would he end up doing something stupid with his band of (lovely) idiots?

(The answers to all above are yes, yes, and yes).

It was the college years that started to change things for this brother & sister pair.

They stopped just being siblings and started being friends.

All of the sudden, he started taking care of her. Inspiring her. And putting her back together when she needed it.

And then he met a girl. A perfect girl who makes everything better.

The once skeptical little girl realized that her parents really did have her mind when they disrupted her blissful only-child existence. Not only did they give her, the very best friend, protector, and mentor she could ask for, but also, led all her to this new girl. The best thing to ever happen to her brother & the exact sister she didn't even know she needed.

Cheers little Matt & (almost) Rhetta Gibbs

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