Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I'm Not Famous For A Reason

Let's be clear. There are many, many reasons I'm not on the cover of US Weekly.

Beyond the obvious (no talent for America to appreciate, no interest in receiving the final rose, no sex tape), there is one predominant reason I am not destined for Access Hollywood greatness.

I will never, EVER, pose like this for a picture:

While perusing, I came across this little Jenny From The Block Gem.

She's for serious posing.

I tried this once:


In my defense, I was 9. JLo (also not a name) is someone's mom. And she's been married 3 times. GET IT TOGETHER, PAPI.


  1. also, that spot for fiat she's in - she does this dance move at the end in which she looks like someone's mom in jc penny shorts. no? just me?

  2. oh j-lo. scary.

    your pose on the other hand is quite cute
