Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Why I Hate Baltimore: A Love Letter to The Walshs.

People leave. Change is good. Life goes on. Blah, blah, blah.

All of those successories lines are fine when they're on an ill-framed poster in someone's office. But on the day one of your best friends is moving across the country, those are all just words.

Chicago is losing one of its best families today as the Walsh clan is heading South & East (I think that's right) to put down some roots in Baltimore, MA. 

Kimmy & I have been friends since we rocked it out in 7th grade Treble Tones.  We bonded over our shared love of jams, 8th grade boys, and cassingles.

She became a mom 2 years ago when Sophia ("Bug") Walsh was born. I was instantly obsessed.


Makes my heart hurt.

Kim & I have one of those bonds that doesn't require daily contact to remain in tact. I'll visit, she'll visit.

But will my bug remember me?

I'll miss you Betty.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lauren, it's Shannon, from Cincy. I think it's been like 12 years - actually, I take that back, I saw you at Kim and Lindsey's wedding.
    Anywho, I love the blog. I also have a blog - I started it last April after I quit my job. It's a steep learning curve, so let me know if you have any technical questions (I've learned so much in a few months, the hard way), or want any tips on how to increase traffic (if you even want it).
    Glad to see all is well! And I have to say, your Walsh loss is my Walsh gain - I'm so excited to have them close to me (I live outside of DC)!
