Thursday, July 14, 2011

Loving Maine. Appreciating Home.

On a recent trip to Maine with AudMarie at alovelyescape.blogspot, every little thing was exactly as we thought it would be. She's just like a sister. I'm Louise, She's Thelma. Throw in a convertible, and you've got yourself a remake. Unlike that cursed fictional pair, no one was attacked, robbed, or driven off a cliff (all three of which were legitimate concerns given our penchant for not paying attention, leaving our purses wide open at all times, and our inability to comprehend cardinal directions).

It was a great trip. Here are a few shots & highlights.

1) I was in charge of timeliness, checking the beds for bugs, and having anxiety about when we'd have our next meal. She made sure we actually had fun, used the map on the ipad properly, and documented the trip with a slew of pictures I didn't want to pose for but am happy that we have. In other words, I'm super fun.

2) The weather kinda sucked, but it somehow felt right for Maine. Our Hunter wellies were practically walking on their own we wore them so much. Random aside: For a region with lots of rain and a penchant for fishing, people simply could not wrap their heads around our rubber footwear. Dear Maine: GET ON BOARD. These boots will change your life.

3) Folks are LOVELY in small towns (I mean look at these streets?!). I'm not one of those jaded city-folks who patronizes the "cute" locals (okay, maybe the wellies comment was borderline), but it's so refreshing to be surrounded by mom & pop shops owned by people who genuinely seem happy to see you.

4) By the end of the trip, me & Miss Aud agreed that we're city girls. We like the noise. The rude people. Unnecessary boutiques, nail salons (there are 0.0 in Maine, in case you were wondering), and restaurants on every corner. It's so quiet there. No trains, sirens, unidentifiable animal noises, etc. And you know what else? There were no enormous reflective beans for us to take our picture in. Chicago rulz.

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