Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A Confession

I might have accidentally watched "Justin Bieber: Never Say Never" last night.

As a former subscriber to Teen Beat AND Teen Bop magazines, I feel as if I've earned the right to the following commentary:

An Observation: People told me I would be surprised by how much I would enjoy it. They lied.

A Question: If your manager's name is Scooter, your best friend is your bodyguard, and everyone around you drives purple cars with rims, can you be normal?

A Prediction (or 4): Selena will move on. His head will permanently tilt to the left from the hair flipping. His mom will end up having an affair with Billy Ray Cyrus. He will be the Dancing with the Stars Champion in 2016, narrowly edging out Ashley Tisdale and Willow Smith.

That is all.


  1. As one of your most loyal readers and overall rabid fans, I have to chime in and say the enjoyment of NSN for me (and for the LEGIONS I've talked to that also liked it) was not in The Biebs himself (who never even gives a direct interview in the film, leading me to believe he's probably your typical douchey-to-the-infinite-power-due-to-overnight-fame 16 year-old guy), but more so in the story of how he came to be where he is today from the middle of Nowheresville Canada in a family that didn't even have enough money to repaire their stuffed pet fox. I found it to be an amazing demonstration of the power of social media combined with hormonal pre-teens and a ride on the Soul Train. And whatever you think of his singing talent, you have to admit - the boy can Dougie.

  2. Please note, repaire is French-Canadian for repair. Merci.

  3. hanging up a biebs poster in your cube
