Thursday, September 22, 2011

Why I'm a Morning Person (Top 5)

In addition to the fact that I'm just wired that way, here are the more frivolous reasons I love the 6am-9am window.

1) Dunkin Donuts Hazelnut. My only caffeine of the day. And I love it. Passionately. I would have a 2nd in the afternoon (even though I know it's bad for me), but:
    a. It makes my tummy hurt.
    b. Grandma can't drink caffeine after 2 or else she can't sleep. For reals.

2) I get to watch the previous evening's "Chelsea Lately". I've been a fan of Miss Handler since I met her 3 years ago and she told me she liked my shirt. She's getting all big & fancy now, but I still love her little show and the band of idiots she puts on TV. Because it comes on at 10 CST (aforementioned Grandma's bedtime), I save it for my post-workout treat.

3) Speaking of exercise, I LOVE getting my daily sweat done in the mornings. Whether it's balancing myself on one-foot, pretending to be a ballerina in Bar Method, or running the empty city streets, the feeling of accomplishing something that's just for me is pretty much the single reason I get out of bed.

Note: Not my butt, but I would like it to be.

4) It's so, so quiet. While I am a morning person in that I like to get up at 6, I am NOT a morning person in that I like to chat for hours before the sun comes up. I like my alone time. 6-9 is all about me. The rest of my day can be about solving other people's problems. I find if I sleep through my morning window, I'm less inclined to want to help others (read: I'm not pleasant) throughout the day.

5) Man it sounds like a Successories poster, but I love the idea that anything can happen. While that's still technically true at noon, it just seems less likely. Once lunch rolls around, I pretty much know how this one is gonna wrap up, you know I mean?

The End.

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