Monday, October 17, 2011

Today Is My Birthday

And I'm owning it.

The best my figure ever looked.

In the spirit of appreciating my 34 years, here is a list of 34 things I lived, loved, or learned about myself.

1. I hate cats.
2. 8 hours of sleep per night is mandatory.
3. Gray and beige are my definition of eye candy.
4. I will eat seconds of anything if it has truffle oil on it. Or cheese. Or icing.
5. I went through a phase where the only song I would listen to was "I've Had the Time of My Life". It was not last year. But it was not as long ago as it should have been.
6. I was an awesome waitress.

It's a fall-back career I seriously consider.

7. I look pretty stupid in most hats.
8. I don't know how to change a tire or check my oil, despite the fact that my dad has showed me more than once.
9. I really do like exercise. Which I realize makes me annoying.
10. My brother is my idol.

Please note Madame Alexander Doll and Matt's new typewriter.

11. Award shows make me beyond happy.
12. I hate my teeth.
13. I love my hair.

14. I used to be self conscious about how fast I talk. Recently I realized it's not my problem if you can't keep up.
15. I am a hypocritical hipster. Meaning I only make fun of the hipster behaviors I don't enjoy (not owning a television, decorating with birds), but say nothing about the ones I participate in (concerts at small venues, farmer's markets).
16. Paisley makes me sad.
17. I make a mean mix tape.
18. I take lots of vitamins. And I get a flu shot (that was a huge fail this year). But I still have the weak constitution of the colonial people on the Oregon Trail.
19. Friday Night Lights is the best TV show ever.

20. I am blessed to have friends from my youth, college years, and post-collegiate life, all still playing significant roles in my life.
21. I went to a psychic once. He knew things. But not as much as my therapist.
22. Some people say they're klutzy because they think it's cute. I say it because it's fact.
23. I'm super bitchy if I'm hungry.
24. I love the beach, but I won't go in if I can't see my feet.
25. I don't look like either one of my parents. But somehow I'm so clearly theirs.

26. I've spent countless hours worrying. Very little of it was worth it.
27. I eat yogurt with pretzels and raisins in it.
28. I like organic food. This makes me annoying, but it's true.
29. I liked college, but I have no interest in going back.
30. Finding the right partner might take awhile, but it's totally worth the wait.

31. I wish my job was to write about stuff that matters to me. For now the blog will have to do.
32. I haven't saved as much money as I should have.
33. Having said that, I think it's pretty incredible that I paid my way to Australia, New Zealand, Spain & Costa Rica. (cue "Who Run the World").

34. I said I wanted to make director ten years into my career. And I did. So now what?

One of my best girls, Jennifer, asked me what my birthday wish for my 34th year is...In the wise words of Matthew McConaughey:


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